as a recult of造句

"as a recult of"是什么意思   


  1. Qinshihuang ' s insistance on tyranny can find explanation in his physiological deficiency and special experience from childhood , in the tradition and allure of ruling by law , in the shortage of necessary supervisory and restricting system and in the hinderance to the transition of the policy ' s focus as a recult of successive years of wars
  2. It's difficult to find as a recult of in a sentence. 用as a recult of造句挺难的


  1. "as a physicist"造句
  2. "as a precaution"造句
  3. "as a prelude to"造句
  4. "as a private person"造句
  5. "as a pulse generator"造句
  6. "as a reference"造句
  7. "as a remembrance of"造句
  8. "as a reminder"造句
  9. "as a reminder that"造句
  10. "as a result"造句

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